Meaning of Christmas
Focus on Christ
Christmas in the Bible
Baby Jesus (for kids)
Birth of Jesus
Christmas Star
Christmas Music
Santa Claus?
Celebrate Christmas?
Prayers & Sayings
History of Christmas
Spread the News

















Christmas Decorations

There is probably nothing inherently right or wrong about almost any decoration. What counts is the meaning that it conveys. So a Christmas tree or a ball hanging on the tree is, in itself, neither positive nor negative, regardless of the ancient origins of the particular decoration, and only glorifies Christ if the people who see the decoration associate it with Jesus and/or the Christmas story in their own thought processes.  As such there are many Christmas decorations which will tend to turn one's thoughts toward Christ and many which will tend to turn them toward other things.

We suggest changing your decorations to more spiritual decorations over a period of years, rather than going out and buying all new decorations immediately. By doing it slowly you will be able to make purchases in the weeks after Christmas, and save a lot of money. As you decorate, especially the tree, make a ceremony out of it. Talk about the spiritual meaning behind each decoration.

Spiritual Decorations

Nativity scenes (If you want to display a nativity scene as the Bible portrays it, please see the birth of Jesus page. And note that the wise men were not there.)

Christmas Star

Trees (with decorations which remind us of Christ) The evergreen tree can represent the eternal life which is given to all who believe in Jesus.

(with no "t")

Angels - They were very involved in the
birth of Jesus.

Candy cane - It can represent "J" for Jesus, if held one way, and a shepherd's staff the other way. Plus the red color can signify the blood of Christ, because the biggest purpose for the birth of Jesus was to die for our sins. And the white color signifies Jesus' holy, righteous, sinless life.

Lights /candles - They can represent the Christmas Star, Jesus as the Light of the World, and believers as lights who are to shine in the darkness.

Advent displays/calendars


Crosses - The Meaning of Christmas page explains what the cross has to do with Christmas.

Pictures of Mary and baby Jesus

Anything to do with spreading the gospel here and overseas

The spiritual Christmas cards you receive

Holly - Can represent eternal life, since it is evergreen. Also, since it has thorns, it can represent the crown of thorns which Jesus would wear for all who believe in Him. And the red berries can represent the blood which Jesus would shed for all who believe in Him.

Wreath - It has no beginning or end. It can represent the love which God has for us, and which believers should have for others.

Poinsetta - Can represent the blood which Jesus would shed for all who believe in Him. Some have said it can represent the Christmas Star.

Christian screensavers/themes for computer

Decorations which pull focus away from Christ

Jingle bells
Mistletoe (use holly instead)
Snow or snowmen
Disney characters (and similar) in Santa outfits, hats, etc.
Lighted toys, gift boxes, etc., as yard decorations

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